How to Reach Me
📞Give me a call (or message me directly)
I try to always answer calls if I’m available. But even if I’m not, you’re welcome to leave a voicemail (Yes, I still check those) or send me a brief text message.
Everyone has lots of questions when getting started with lessons.
Some questions can be answered by viewing my FAQs page here.
If you try to call me and get sent to voicemail, it’s because I’m busy teaching lessons or making music. Thankfully, I have some better options for you…
Connect with me on Zoom
Have some questions that the FAQ page doesn't quite cover? Want to put a face to the name? This is the next best option to meeting me in person. Ask me any questions you have and I can show you a preview of our state-of-the-art Online Lessons environment. If you’re wanting to attend in person, then we’ll set up your Free Intro Session appointment during our call.