Communications Overview

Piano Belloso Music Studio regularly communicates with students and parents via several different methods. The following is a guide on how I use different forms of communication in the studio and what you can expect in regards to frequency and responsiveness.

In addition, I've provided some important details on how I use personal information in studio communications (Privacy Policy) and how I interact with minors differently than adults.


Phone Calls

Still the best way to discuss something in more detail. A phone call is urgent and direct...


Text Messaging

A way to make more urgent communications visible, yet as non-disruptive as possible...



Everyone's inbox is already full, but this is still one of the primary ways to share larger quantities of information...

Online Updates

Ranging from updates to this website to blog posts, social media channels, and student accounts...


While I generally prefer text messaging, phone calls are sometimes necessary to communicate something directly, discuss in more detail, or just add a more personal touch. It's also the most urgent type of communication. If you get a call from me, it’s probably important, and I likewise do my best to answer calls from students right away.

Phone Calls

Text Messaging

Text messaging has become one of my primary means of direct communication simply because of its ease of use and ability to be non-disruptive. If I need to get a hold of you for some reason, I will usually default to this method. I also have text messaging set up as a back-up to email notifications for scheduled events, invoice delivery, and billing exceptions (failed payment, etc.).

If you need to get ahold of me, and you cannot reach me by phone, sending me a text message is a good way to get my attention, as I usually have my phone on silent during lessons and after hours. 

Keep in mind that text messaging is meant for more brief, text-only exchanges. If you are wanting to send me a picture, video, or speak to me more at length, email would a more appropriate choice.



Email communications can vary in content but I usually reserve email for one of the following purposes:

  1. Billing (invoices, curriculum purchase requests, payment confirmations)

  2. Newsletters (mostly the same as blog content but abridged and delivered directly to your inbox)

  3. Surveys and Forms

  4. Event management (special class, recital, and concert sign-ups, etc.)

You can expect to receive an email from me at least once a month for billing purposes, and as often as weekly for newsletters. Upon enrollment, students will receive an opt-in confirmation email for the newsletter, which is delivered through a service I use called MailChimp. All other emails will come directly from my studio email address:

Online Updates

In addition to the more direct forms of communication listed previously (phone, text, email), I keep students and families up to date by regularly updating this website, posting blog entries on various topics, and extending the reach of my communications via social media channels.


Online Account Access

Although this website is the central hub of the studio's online presence, there are actually three different online accounts that my students and their families will need to access regularly for the purposes of billing, scheduling, and curriculum content. More info on the uses and differences of each access point can be found at the link below:

Blog Posts

Studio announcements, calendar events affecting the entire student body, and other helpful articles for parents and students will typically be emailed, or appear on the website via non-public pages. Other, more general topics may be posted to my blog ( This blog is public and accessible to anyone visiting the site without logging in. Blogs can be shared quite easily and in fact I encourage students to share posts that they find the most relevant and helpful. In addition, some blog posts may be cross-posted to my social media channels, depending on the content. Click the image to view my blog.


Social Media

In addition to the above, the studio maintains a presence on most major social media platforms.

These platforms are meant for both students and myself to maintain a dialogue about events inside and outside the studio. It's also a way for me to connect to potential students via marketing. The subject matter on my social media channels is mostly related to music learning, but can vary in content. New Social Media posts can appear almost daily depending on the season. To view an updated list of my social media channels, see the links below:


A Special Note About Direct Student Contact

Most of the above communications will take place between myself and parents or adult students. As a rule, I do not engage in direct communications or exchanges with students under the age of 18 unless I have obtained a parent’s permission to do so in advance. This may include email, text messaging, phone calls, and direct or instant messaging via social media or other channels (including video).

This policy is for my own protection as well as for students and their families. Upon enrollment, parents have the option to include a child’s phone number and/or email address for important notifications, such as lesson reminders. As an additional precaution, parents have the option of being copied on all communications sent to the student’s email or phone number.

How I Handle Personal Information and Privacy

I am committed to keeping any and all personal information collected confidential, secure, and private. My Privacy Policy has been designed and created to ensure those affiliated with Piano Belloso Music Studio of my commitment and realization of my obligation not only to meet but to exceed most existing privacy standards.

Information I collect helps me to administer the studio organization, understand trends, support students, and keep everybody informed and up-to-date with what's happening within the studio. I do not sell, nor disclose private and confidential information to unrelated third parties. All information collected is securely stored on servers using state-of-the-art privacy protection methods. For more about this, please review my Online Privacy Policy Agreement. Hard copy information submitted is always scanned and uploaded to secure online storage, then shredded and disposed.